Plyco offers an edge banding service for those who prefer to drink margaritas on a tropical beach somewhere while we do the work. For everyone else, find edging installation instructions below or read more via our blog.

Unglued Edging

  1. This edging does not feature adhesives and is recommended for trade customers with experience applying edging using a professional edge banding machine. 

Pre-Glued Edging (<1mm Thick)

  1. This product features hot melt glue and is friendly for the hobbyist and DIYer.
  2. Line up the back of the edging with the timber surface you're looking to cover and apply heat onto the edging face. A heat gun is ideal but an iron will also do the job.
  3. After the glue has melted, apply pressure to the edging to ensure adhesion. Placing something heavy on top of the boards (either a block or a board) works wonders.
  4. If an iron is used, after ironing the edging down it's recommended to wipe the veneer with a damp cloth to cool and set the adhesive. Any area that did not stick can be reheated to activate the glue and then cooled again with the damp cloth.
  5. Excess edging can be trimmed/sanded to deliver a neat, professional finish.